Testing Better Minimal WebGL Template v2020.2 to see if black screen disappears on mobile!!

Need to assign some GameObjects in Inspector. Uploading previous builld

Sorry, this game doesn't work well on mobile. Please use the Desktop web version

"The Office Shenanigans"

Devs United #1 - Pixel Game Jam

Hosted by eMerald Games, Ellis James Game Studios

A fan-made game about "The Office" on April Fool's Day

Play as Dwight, who receives surprising news during a conference meeting. Take revenge on him and everyone in The Office.

-Hand-drawn pixel art

-original voice acting

-quirky characters


-Will add mobile touch support soon

-controller supported

-more quests coming soon


-black screen when playing WebGL building (Fixing...) Resubmitted disabling Compression in WebGL

-quest 2 objectives overlaying quest 1 Resubmitted setting GameObject to false

-on mobile, the Canvas UI elements show, but the map you can walk on does not. Changed the Map Layer to UI and resubmitted. No additional changes made.

-controllers didn't work on the main menu. Added EventTriggers to the menu buttons. Added B button to return to title. Fixed Pause Menu in Play Scene with the start Button on xbox controller. The PauseMenuPanel was deactivated before.

-added a virtual joystick

-lengthened the time of the "thank you for playing" screen

Tiles not showing on WebGL Android in Chrome. I've been reuploading the same build, fixing things like the Z-axis, chunk and culling (auto)

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